Andasibe the home of Indri

145 KM from Antananarivo on the National Road N° 2 to Toamasina
, PERINET or ANDASIBE in Malagasy is mainly well-known for its national reserve, one of the most accessible in the country, a primary forest of the wet tropical type, of 900 ha, where you can admire the Indri Indri, the biggest species of the day lemurs, and various night ones, among which the tiny microcebus and other races.
The Indri cannot survive in captivity. Their inquisitive black and white faces can be seen from a short distance , but only in the wild.
The Indri are not the only reason to venture into the forest of Andasibe –Mantadia. This protected area houses extraordinary biodiversity. You can also find diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and the rare and elusive hairy eared dwarf lemur.
Bird , orchid, reptile and amphibian lovers will all discover unique species to satisfy their curiosity.
Andasibe the home of Indri tour pictures
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