About Us
We have gained extensive knowledge and experience of Madagascar over 25 years in the travel industry.
Contact Us
MADAGASCAR Land of Wonders
Tour Operator
Lot III K 100 GJ Ankaditoho
Antananarivo MADAGASCAR
Tel : +261 34 17 860 07
+261 32 44 146 88
E-mail : mlwonders@blueline.mg
Skype : MADAGASCAR Land of Wonders
Tour Operator
Lot III K 100 GJ Ankaditoho
Antananarivo MADAGASCAR
Tel : +261 34 17 860 07
+261 32 44 146 88
E-mail : mlwonders@blueline.mg
Skype : MADAGASCAR Land of Wonders
Why Land of wonders
Why Land of wonders
Malagasy people are friendly and helpful
Lemurs :There are more than 50 species and sub species in the forests of Madagascar-and nowhere else on earth
Baobabs :7species of baobab grow in the dry areas of the South and of the Western part of Madagascar –more than anywhere else in the world
TSINGY : dramatic “forests” of needle shaped limestone formations with sharp rocks and canyons
Beaches : white sand with forests or palm trees in the east and beautiful desert landscapes in the west
Food : a mix of traditional and French cuisine using mainly organic ingredients
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